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How to help your pet adjust to a new home

Written by Petraveller | Sep 26, 2018 2:00:00 PM

Moving to a new country with your pet can be challenging for your pet and you. Moving is generally associated with stress and can sometimes be traumatic for your pets. Not all pets have the ability to settle in immediately after you move them to a new home. There are several things you can do to make the process of moving and resettling less painful for your furry friends. Read on for tips on how to help your pets adjust to their new home.

Make your new home safe for your pet

The first thing to do when you move to a new place is to pet-proof your home. Sometimes, cats and dogs are disoriented in new areas will try to make their way back to their home. If you have a fence, look for possible escape routes and seal them. Close windows and use gates to prevent pets from running away.

Make your new home safe for your pet by keeping dangerous household things like cleaning supplies, garden supplies, etc. out of your pet’s reach. If your pet is upset with the move, he or she might hide or try to run away. Create a safe area for your pet by keeping them in a room with familiar things till all the unpacking is done.

Pets tend to run when they find themselves in unfamiliar places. Make sure your pet dog or cat has their identification tags on at all times. It is a good idea to microchip your pet before the move; lost pets can easily be reunited with their owners if they are microchipped.

Pets feel secure when they are around family. Assigning a family member to stay with the pet during the transition will go a long way in reassuring and comforting your pet. During an international move, it can be a good idea to travel first and set up the house before bringing your pet. This way, your pet will not have to deal with all the commotion and stress of unpacking.

Create a familiar space

Pets are immediately comforted by familiar spaces and known people. Try and recreate your pet’s favourite place in your new home using his or her favourite bed, crate, blanket and toys. Give them their usual food and treats, and make sure they are surrounded by things they are familiar with. Don’t invest in new gear for your pets immediately after moving; hold on to the old food and water dishes, blankets and beds for a while till your pet has completely settled in.

Stick to old routines

Pets thrive on routines; try to stick to old habits as much as possible after the move. Do not change meal times, walk times, and bedtime. Continue with the same diet and food that your pet ate in the old house.

The new home will be full of new scents and new situations for your pet. Sticking to the old routine will ensure your pet is not over-stimulated and can settle in much faster.

Explore the neighbourhood together

There’s so much to see and understand in a new neighbourhood. Exploring it together will help your pet get familiar with his or her surroundings much faster. Go on exploring walks with your pet dog so he or she can smell, see and understand their new neighbourhood.

Make sure your dog is on a lead when you take him or her out in unfamiliar surroundings. Some dogs do not take well to change and might bolt. Always have them on lead and make sure they wear their identification tags at all times.

Introduce your pet to your new neighbours and other neighbourhood pets slowly. The doggy park is a great place to let your doggy socialise with other pets in the area. Having a pet is a great way to meet new neighbours and make new friends for you too.

Be patient

The first few weeks after the move are the most challenging; your pet will quickly settle in after that. It is essential to be patient and show your pet a lot of love during this period. Let your pet dog sniff around the new home and take in all the smells. Encourage your pet cat to explore the new house at his or her own pace. Don’t be alarmed if your cat goes into hiding for a few days; place the litter box and the food in a prominent place and make sure they stay indoors.

Your pet dog might act out or behave strangely the first few days; it is not something to be worried about. Remain consistent and patient, and your doggy will be back to his or her usual self in no time.

Stay with your pet for a few days immediately after the move. Your presence will help them settle in much sooner. If you have to go to work, try to leave a family member or a pet sitter with your pet for a few days till they settle in and are comfortable in their new home. Don’t forget to give your pets lots of attention and love; the move is stressful for them, and the extra care will work wonders in helping them adjust to the new place.

If you are planning to relocate with your pet to another country, a pet relocation company is best suited to help you with the move. Contact us at Petraveller for a detailed travel plan and other advice on how to relocate your pet to a different country.