Client Stories | Petraveller

Daisy, Frank, Henry, Gypsy and Elaine

Written by Petraveller | Mar 23, 2021 1:00:00 PM

“Petraveller was the only company to give me an accurate quote.”


Here’s the story of Daisy, Frank, Henry and Gypsy, who travelled with Petraveller from Sydney to London. Pet mum Elaine talks about her adorable pets and why she partnered with Petraveller for their international pet relocation.


Border Collie Daisy was rescued by the Animal Welfare League as a tiny puppy when she and her siblings were advertised on Facebook for $20 each at five weeks old. She joined Elaine’s family when she was nine weeks old after Elaine saw her advertised on Pet Rescue.


Talking about Daisy, Elaine shares, “She’s very good with my cats and is adored by all my friends and neighbours.” Elaine smiles as she recalls, “When Daisy first came to my home, she thought Henry, my tuxedo cat, was another Collie pup and wanted to play with him. They still have a special bond.”


Elaine was very concerned about Daisy’s pet travel. She says, “Daisy is very sensitive to sound and movement. She’s very leash reactive and will lunge or bark at people if they get too close. I am worried that the loud engine sounds on the tarmac will stress out.”


Ocicat Frank became a member of Elaine’s family when he was twelve weeks old. Elaine says, “He is a pedigree Ocicat and flew up from a breeder in Victoria, which is why he was a bit older than most kittens.”


Elaine laughs and reveals Frank’s quirky nature, “He thinks he’s the king of the house but hides under the bed when visitors come round. He was a great ‘dad’ to Henry and tries to father the other pets too. He’s the boss and is very vocal about his feelings.” 


She continues, “Frank is quite highly strung and over-grooms when anxious. He knows when we’re moving house and starts to pull out his fur and will likely have bald patches on his tummy and arms by the time we move.” Elaine adds, “Frank has allergic bronchitis, which my vet hopes will go away when we move countries. He might have coughing fits because of it. He gets very stressed being handled by strangers, so he might have an irregular heartbeat. It’ll settle down when he’s calmer.”


Domestic Long Hair Henry was found abandoned in a reserve at four weeks old. He was rescued from the pound and was fostered until Elaine adopted him and gave him a forever home when he was eight weeks old. 


Elaine describes Henry as a sweetie pie. He is a very laidback and gentle kitty. He loves brushing and tummy rubs. He’s very close to Frank and Daisy. Elaine says, “He doesn’t like to jump, so needs to stay somewhere on one level. He runs about a fair bit and is a slow eater.” Elaine adds with a laugh, “If I ever wanted to rehome him, there’d be a queue around the block.”


Domestic Shorthair Gypsy was Elaine’s first and only attempt at fostering and is a foster failure. Elaine recalls, “She came to me at eight months old as the previous fosterer’s dog was chasing her. No one wanted her, and eventually, I couldn’t bear to lose her, so I had the advert taken down.”


Discussing Gypsy’s personality, Elaine says, “She’s not subtle! She runs everywhere, and even now if I go to pet her, she’ll often run away. Gypsy wants affection on her own terms, at which point she will headbutt your drink or phone out of your hand. She hates being brushed but puts up with it because she wants to be brushed first.” Elaine adds with a laugh, “Gypsy would be very happy if you lost Daisy, Frank and Henry on their way over to London! She wants to be the queen of the house.”


Elaine was returning home to London, United Kingdom, to be with her family and was taking her beloved pets along. 


Elaine realised that relocating four pets on her own was very stressful. She decided to seek assistance from an international pet relocation agency who could handle the entire process for her. Elaine reached out to Petraveller to help with Henry, Daisy, Gypsy and Frank’s pet transport to London. She says, “Of all the companies I contacted, Petraveller was the only company to give me an accurate quote.”


Daisy, Frank, Henry and Gypsy had an incredible journey from Sydney to London. Thank you, Elaine, for trusting Petraveller with your gorgeous fur babies. Best wishes on the move and big hugs to your beautiful pets!