Client Stories | Petraveller

Luna, Teddy and Mark

Written by Petraveller | Apr 25, 2020 2:00:00 PM

“Petraveller is like a premium service for pet travel.”

Mark and his gorgeous pets Luna and Teddy relocated from Brisbane to Dublin with Petraveller. Mark talks about his pets and shares his experience with Petraveller.

Mark and his partner adopted Luna when she was one-and-a-half-year old from RSPCA at an adoption event just over two years ago. Luna had been at the RSPCA for six months and had arrived completely emancipated and also had kittens. Mark says, “We didn’t see Luna out of her cage or cubby hole as she was so terrified. However, we just had a good feeling about her. Ever since that day, Luna has been an extremely loved member of the family.”

Teddy was adopted by Mark’s partner’s parents in 2015. He has been a well-loved and a spoilt pet ever since. Mark says, “Teddy used to live with my partner’s parents in the Gold Coast, until they moved to Ireland in March 2019. Since then, Teddy has lived with me, my partner and Luna.”

Talking about Luna, Mark says, “Luna is one of kindest animals we have ever encountered. She has never put her claws out, hissed or shown any antisocial behaviour no matter the circumstance. She loves being in our presence and will always follow us around, sit on us and respond to our call.” Despite her outgoing nature, Luna is very cautious around new people and takes a while to feel comfortable. Mark says, “Teddy and Luna get along very well, even though Luna might be a bit bolder with how close she can get to Teddy, then Teddy is.”

Teddy is a loveable dog. Mark says, “Teddy is a very quirky, peculiar and a bit of an anxious being. He will certainly be nervous about the trip and can be a bit nippy when he is feeling anxious or uncertain. Despite this, he is not an aggressive dog at all.”

Mark and his family were relocating to Dublin for work and would also reunite Teddy with his partner’s parents. He says, “We couldn’t leave our pets behind.” Mark decided to take the assistance of a pet relocation company to manage the ins and outs of the move. He says, “After my research on pet travel agencies, Petraveller came across as a premium service for pet travel.”

We are happy to say that the pets reached their destination safe and sound and are settling well in their new home in Dublin. Thank you, Mark, for allowing us to fly your precious pets. We wish you all the best for the future.