Client Stories | Petraveller

Nishkin and John

Written by Petraveller | Jul 4, 2020 2:00:00 PM

“We received a very polite and professional response from Petraveller.”

We helped pet dad John relocate his gorgeous Siberian Husky, Nishkin, from Melbourne to Dallas Fort Worth. John talks about Nishkin and how she became a part of their life and why he used Petraveller for the international pet transport.

John found Nishkin in a newspaper ad put by the local RSPCA in Portland. She was a rescue dog and was immediately adopted by John and his wife, Donna. He recalls, “We named her Nishkin, which is Choctaw Indian for eyes as my wife is part Choctaw.” Nishkin loves attention and her treats and hates cats.

John describes Nishkin as a love junkie. He laughs and says, “Around the house and yard she is great, like most Huskies, she commands well but takes them as optional. She’s probably spoilt by both of us.”

John and his wife Donna were relocating to Dallas Fort Worth. He says, “Our move is semi-retirement for me as Donna is already retired. Donna is from Texas, and we have chosen that as our home.”

John decided to get help from a reliable international pet relocation company to manage the ins and outs of his pet’s move. He contacted Petraveller for his pet’s travel. He says, “We received a very polite and professional response from Petraveller. Also, they were very informative and had excellent online reviews.”

Nishkin had a delightful journey from Melbourne to Dallas Fort Worth. Thank you, John, for entrusting Petraveller with your dearest Nishkin. We wish you and Donna a happy retirement, and lots of cuddles to adorable Nishkin.