Client Stories | Petraveller

Penelope, Malibu and David

Written by Petraveller | May 24, 2020 2:00:00 PM

“Petraveller cared about my pets and their welfare.”


Kiwi-born David adopted an adoringly cute pug in a heartbeat because his partner experienced a case of love at first sight. Read to know more about the charming Penelope, her sister Malibu and their international pet relocation story from Perth to Auckland.


David bought Penelope from a pet shop four years ago. David says, “She was a spontaneous buy as my partner saw her and fell in love with her. We couldn’t leave without her. Malibu’s introduction to our family was planned because we wanted Penelope to have a little sister and a companion to grow up and enjoy life with.”


David describes Penelope as a queen with an attitude who would do anything for treats. He says fondly, “She is highly intelligent and loves her naps.”


Speaking about Malibu, he says, “She is an affectionate and loving dog, but is a bit of a scaredy-cat when it comes to jumping up onto things or loud noises. She likes to bark at big dogs to alert everyone around of her presence, but she is not aggressive at all.”


David was moving back home to Auckland, New Zealand, to be closer to his family and leaving his precious pets behind didn’t cross his mind at all.


David started searching for international pet relocation agencies to help him with the move. He spoke to four different pet travel companies, before he hired Petraveller for the pet transport. He says, “Petraveller cared the most about my pets and their welfare.”


We are happy to say that Penelope and Malibu had a pleasant journey from Perth to New Lynn, Auckland and are busy exploring their new homes. Best wishes to David on the move and big hugs to cute Penelope and Malibu.