Client Stories | Petraveller

Ranger and Jenna

Written by Petraveller | Jun 13, 2023 12:03:18 PM

“Petraveller had the friendliest and most attentive customer service!”


Here’s the international pet travel story of handsome Border Collie Ranger who loves travelling. Read more about Ranger and his journey from Melbourne to Washington D.C with Petraveller.


Jenna became pet mum to a gorgeous Border Collie Ranger during the Covid lockdown in 2021. Jenna smiles as she recalls, “Ever since Ranger has joined me, we haven’t spent more than a day apart. We both love travelling and have done lots of camping and hiking together. Ranger has been all the way to Tassie and all over the dog-friendly areas of Victoria. Very soon, we will be exploring the United States together.”


Jenna shares some of Ranger’s favourite things. She says, “Ranger loves chasing tennis balls at the park, rolling in the sand on the beach, and curling up on the couch, especially after rolling in the sand.”


Speaking about her pet’s vibrant nature, Jenna says, “Ranger is a very chill dog, and nothing seems to faze him except cats; he hates cats! Ranger is always happy to say hi to new people and dogs, although if he meets dogs that are bigger than him, he waits to see if they will say hi first. One of the reasons I love Ranger so much is that he is a very independent dog! He is content doing his own thing, from throwing tennis balls down the stairs to sleeping in a quiet corner of the house; he doesn’t always have to be where everyone else is.” Jenna adds, “When Ranger seeks us out for snuggles or to hang out in the same room, it is even more special!”


Jenna fondly talks about her favourite moments with beloved Ranger. She smiles and says, “Some of my favourite moments with Ranger are when we go to the beach. Ranger loves to swim. When we bring the kayak, he runs along the beach following us and then swims out into the water to hop into the kayak for a bit. Then he hops out to swim back to the shore and run along the beach before swimming to the kayak again. He will do that the entire time we are out.”


Jenna was moving to Washington D.C to be with her family. She says, “I moved to Australia from the United States in 2019 to complete my PhD. Covid forced me to be apart from my loved ones for a long time, and that’s when Ranger joined me in early 2021. Soon I will finish my studies and return to the United States with Ranger to join my family!”


Organising the travel formalities for an international pet relocation can be a daunting process. Therefore, Jenna decided to get help from professional pet movers. Jenna began her hunt for the best pet travel agency in Australia and contacted several agents. She says, “Petraveller had the best quote of all the places I contacted! They had the most friendly and attentive customer service! The quote was given to me quickly, and whenever I called Petraveller, they were always quick to answer the phone and all of my questions. With each phone call, they also provided a detailed overview of the travel process and what it would be like for my pet. Petraveller reassured me that Ranger would be well cared for and cleared up any of the confusion; because of that, I felt that Petraveller was the best agency to trust with the care of Ranger!”


We are glad that Ranger was a happy traveller and landed safely in Washington DC. Thank you, Jenna, for trusting Petraveller with dear Ranger. Here’s wishing you a wonderful life with your family and Ranger by your side in the United States of America.