Client Stories | Petraveller

Ronja and Cora

Written by Petraveller | Mar 15, 2021 1:00:00 PM

“I cannot imagine my life without Ronja.”


Heeler X Border Collie Ronja was safely transported from Melbourne to Frankfurt in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cora talks affectionately about her pet and why she chose Petraveller for Ronja’s international pet relocation.


Ronja came into Cora’s life almost four years ago rather unexpectedly. Cora recollects, “My friends got a call about a rescue litter and Ronja was the runt of the litter. I was accompanying them to pick up their puppies, until I saw little seven-week-old Ronja crawl towards me. I fell in love straight away, and she came home with me that day.”


Cora adds, “I thought I could never have a dog, as I travelled a lot, working at national and international sporting events. But we’ve had a great support network of friends, and it helps. Everyone who meets Ronja falls in love with her. Now I cannot imagine life without her.”


Ronja is extremely active, she loves her long runs and walks and is obsessed with chasing balls and catching frisbees. Cora says, “Ronja is the sweetest-crazy Australian cuddle-dog you will find. She is the fastest runner and highest jumper. She loves the water, is a great swimmer and her belly flops are priceless.”


Cora fondly adds, “When it comes to other dogs, Ronja is not that interested and takes a bit longer to warm up to them. She loves hanging out and playing with her three hound friends in the Grampians - the #Grampsgang.”


Despite her need for activities, Ronja also loves to sleep and has the longest sleep-ins. She can easily sleep for ten hours and more at night. “Ronja loves her belly rubs and cuddles, evenings and mornings are her most cuddly moments. If we have to go somewhere in the morning, I have to make sure to set the alarm an hour before having to get up, so we manage to get all the cuddles in,” says Cora. 


After living in Australia for 11 years, Cora was moving back home to Frankfurt, Germany. She says, “The COVID-19 situation has made it very hard to be far away from family. I was anxious about the border closures and I decided to head back to Europe to be closer to family. Leaving Ronja behind was never an option.”


Cora was understandably concerned about Ronja’s pet travel. She explains, “Coming from a rather traumatised rescue litter, Ronja is very anxious when it comes to loud noises, thunder, the vacuum cleaner, etc. She is a pretty stressed traveller, though she is getting slowly better.”


Cora started searching for a reputed international pet travel agency to help her relocate her pet overseas. She says, “I did a lot of research and probably read all customer reviews of different pet travel providers and Petraveller was the most convincing. I had the best feeling of trusting Petraveller with Ronja. I also asked around in expat groups, and the reviews were great there too. In these challenging times, they’ve taken very good care of me and our requirements, and have been quick to respond.”


Ronja had a stress-free flight and made it to Germany safely and in great spirits. Thank you, Cora, for trusting Petraveller with dear Ronja. Here’s to making more wonderful memories with Ronja in Germany!