Client Stories | Petraveller

Som and Rino

Written by Petraveller | Mar 22, 2020 1:00:00 PM

“Petraveller explained the entire pet relocation process in detail.”

We relocated cute Som, a Domestic Longhair cat, to her new home in Wellington. Read to know more about Som and her reocation story.

Rino adopted Som in 2016 from an adoption home. He says, “When I first moved to Australia, I was suffering from depression and homesickness. I had lost my cat in Korea in 2015 due to an illness, and being alone in a foreign country made me anxious and stressed. I wanted to adopt a pet, but was hesitant due to my visa status. I went to some adoption homes to see a few pets, and I fell in love with Som instantly. I wanted her to be a part of my family, so during my second visit to the adoption home, I adopted Som.”

Som is a very quiet and shy cat. “I’ve lived with five cats through my life, and I’ve never had a cat who was this quiet,” says Rino. He adds, “On our first day, Som was opening her mouth as if she was about to meow, but all I could hear was a very soft voice.” Rino took Som to the vet thinking that there was something wrong with her vocal cords. He says, “The vet said she just has a small voice. As Som grew older, she became bigger and more confident, but still has a soft voice.”

Rino was relocating to Wellington to start a new life. He says, “It’s a new adventure for Som and me.” As pet relocation requires special care and attention, Rino started doing his research on various pet relocation agencies. He says, “I got a quote from other agencies, but no one explained the pet relocation process in detail like Petraveller. I watched their videos and reviews on Facebook, and got a clear understanding of how my pet would be travelling.”

Rino and Som are now in Wellington. Thank you, Rino, for trusting Petraveller with your dear pet. We wish you and Som new and memorable adventures in Wellington.