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Prague, Czech Republic

International Pet Transport to Prague

Pet dogs and cats travelling to Prague from Australia fly on Qatar Airways with a comfort stop in Doha. The flight time is approximately 24 hours. Petraveller will need 30 days prior notice to arrange your pet’s travel to Prague.

International Pet Travel Requirements for Cats and Dogs

  • Airline-approved pet travel crate
  • Annual vaccination
  • Customs clearance
  • Australian Government accredited veterinary consultation
  • Australian Government export permit
  • Australian Government health certificate
  • Internal parasite treatment
  • Microchip
  • Rabies vaccination

International Pet Relocation Arrival

After your pet lands in Prague, they will be deplaned on priority and brought to the animal lounge for customs clearance and veterinary checks. Pet parents can collect their pets from the facility after the officials clear them. Please allow a few hours for your pet to be processed and released to your care after they arrive in Prague.

Petraveller provides customers with a step-by-step guide for an easy collection experience. The pet collection guide has all the information required for an easy collection process, including the location, contact details, hours of operation, etc. 

Frequently asked questions

Can my puppy or kitten travel to Prague?

Unvaccinated puppies or kittens can travel to Prague only if they are microchipped and are accompanied by a declaration from the owner that the pet has not been exposed to any wild animals that carry rabies. 

However, most airlines do not fly puppies and kittens under 12 weeks of age. It is in your pet’s best interest to travel after they receive all vaccinations. 

Does my pet need rabies vaccination to fly to the Czech Republic?

Pet dogs and cats travelling to Prague from Australia require a rabies vaccination at least 21 days before the date of travel. Remember to implant the microchip before administering the rabies vaccine. Your pet can skip the mandatory 21-day wait period if the previous vaccination was administered after the microchip was implanted and the booster vaccination was administered when the previous vaccination was still valid.   

Local Pet Requirements

In Prague, pet parents are required to register their pets with the local council and obtain a dog license. The city has leash laws, and all dogs must be on a lead at all times in public places. However, dog parks in Prague have designated off-lead areas where dogs can roam free and socialise with other dogs. All pets must be vaccinated and microchipped in Prague. 

Pet parents are responsible for their pets and must ensure that the dogs do not bark excessively and cause disturbances. Pet parents must also ensure their pets do not attack or injure people and other animals in Prague. Dogs can ride public transport in Prague; however, they must be on a lead and muzzled.   

About Prague

Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, is renowned for being one of the most dog-friendly cities in the world. The Czechs love their pets, and it shows! Dogs are allowed almost everywhere in the city, including the Zoo, most tourist attractions, public transport, gardens, and bars and restaurants.

One of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe, Prague, is famous for its beautiful architecture, vibrant culture and rich history. Prague is known as the City of a Hundred Spires because of the numerous churches and cathedrals in the city with distinctive spires.

  • Official Language
  • Population of people
    1.3 million
  • Flights from Australia