International Pet Transport to Dublin
International pet transport to Ireland from Australia is via Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth with a transit stopover in Dubai. Flights are available with Qantas and Emirates and flight time is approximately 24 hours.
International Pet Travel Requirements for Cats and Dogs
- Airline-approved pet travel crate
- Annual vaccination
- Australian Government accredited veterinary consultation
- Australian Government export permit
- Australian Government health certificate
- European Union health certificate
- Microchip
- Rabies vaccination
- Tapeworm vaccination
International Pet Relocation Arrival
Our team can arrange for your pet to be collected from Dublin International Airport and transported to Lissenhall Veterinary Hospital for veterinary inspection and customs clearance via our international pet relocation partner, and then delivered to your home or office. Pets can also be collected from the Lissenhall Veterinary Hospital.
Lissenhall Veterinary Hospital
Location: Lissenhall, Swords, Co. Dublin
Phone: +353 1 890 0375
Hours of operation: 7am – 7pm, seven days a week
Frequently Asked Questions
Is my dog on the banned breeds list in Ireland?
Ireland has breed-specific legislation and certain dog breeds are restricted or prohibited for import in the country. Restricted breeds in Ireland are: American Pit Bull Terrier, English Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Bull Mastiff, Dobermann Pinscher, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Akita, Japanese Tosa, and Bandog
Banned dog breeds in Ireland are Hybrid cats and dogs such as hybrid wolf dogs, Savannah cats and Bengal cats unless they are F5 or higher hybrid generations. Read more
Will my pet be sedated for travel to Dublin?
Petraveller will not sedate or tranquillize your pet during travel upon the recommendation of IATA, as drugs can increase the risk of dehydration and travel sickness and lower blood pressure at flying altitudes. Vets recommend that pets are not sedated during air travel for health reasons. Read more
Did you know?
Ireland has fewer plant and animal species than the United Kingdom or Europe since becoming an island following the last Ice Age around 12,000 years ago.
Offical LanguageEnglish
Population of people1,801,040
Flights from AustraliaDaily