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Rome, Italy

International Pet Transport to Rome

International pet transport to Rome from Australia is via Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth with transit stopovers in Dubai or Thailand. Flights are available with Qantas, Emirates and Thai Airways and flight time is approximately 22 hours.

International Pet Travel Requirements for Cats and Dogs

  • Airline-approved pet travel crate
  • Annual vaccination
  • Customs clearance
  • Australian Government accredited veterinary consultation
  • Australian Government export permit
  • Australian Government health certificate
  • European Union health certificate Bi Lingual (Italian and English)
  • Microchip
  • Rabies vaccination
  • Tapeworm vaccination

International Pet Relocation Arrival

Our team can arrange for your pet to be collected from Leonardo da Vinci Airport and transported to your home or office via our international pet relocation partner. Pets can also be collected from Emirates Sky Cargo at the airport.

Emirates Sky Cargo

Location: Nuova Cargo City, Ingresso 5-Piano 2, 00050
Phone: +39 06650 11987
Hours of Operation: 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday

Local Pet Requirements

Dog owners must register their pets within ten days of their arrival into Rome at the local register office. It’s not mandatory for cats to be registered.

Living in Rome: A Canine Perspective

The number of cuddles I’ve received in the local Piazza di Spagna definitely proves the theory that Rome is a pet friendly city. Word on the street is also that Rome increases ones appetite and I can definitely confirm this. I’ll be honest, who can decline spaghetti leftovers? Not me! Thanks goodness for the big parks for me to work off the extra calories – Villa Borghese, Villa Pamphili, Parco della Caffarella – you name it, I’ll run it. A good jog up and down the Spanish steps doesn’t go astray either. Thankfully with all that exercise I’m allowed to travel on the regional  metro, but only on lines A and B, on the first and last carriages and if my family buy me a ticket. Back on the dining front, most of my local coffee bars welcome me while my parents enjoy a cappuccino and one even brings furry visitors a bowl of milk to slurp on. Rome, you are bellissimo!

Did you know?

During 5th–1st century B.C. the Colosseum was used to parade exotic animals to the public in held in honor of the dead. The internal design of the venue was created with an elaborate elevator-style system used to bring animal cages to the upper ground level from underground tunnels.

About Rome

The impressive artistic heritage of Rome is unrivalled with 3,000 years of influential art, architecture and culture on display. The church-dominated city is home to Vatican City, headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and an abundance of local cuisine and wine. The family-focused city loves animals and is a popular international pet transport destination.

  • Offical Language
  • Population of people
    2.62 million
  • Flights from Australia