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Zurich, Switzerland

International Pet Transport to Zurich

Pet dogs and cats travelling to Zurich from Australia fly on Qatar or Emirates with a comfort stop at Doha and Dubai, respectively. The flight time is approximately 21 hours. Petraveller will need a lead time of at least 30 days to manage your pet’s travel to Zurich.

International Pet Travel Requirements for Cats and Dogs

  • Airline-approved pet travel crate
  • Annual vaccination
  • Customs clearance
  • Australian Government accredited veterinary consultation
  • Australian Government export permit
  • Australian Government health certificate
  • European Union health certificate
  • Microchip
  • Rabies vaccination

International Pet Relocation Arrival

Petraveller specialises in the international transport of pets from Australia to around the world. As soon as your pet lands in Zurich, they will be deplaned and taken in for customs clearance and inspection. Pet parents can collect their pets from the animal lounge only after their pet goes through customs clearance.

Petraveller will help customers with a step-by-step guide for a stress-free collection experience. Our guide will outline all important details such as location, contact details, etc. The time taken for clearance differs from airport to airport. Petraveller will be on standby till you collect your pet from the airport and have a happy reunion with your pet doggy.

Frequently asked questions

What is the upper limit on age for a pet to relocate internationally?

There is no particular age limit for a pet to fly long haul; it depends on the breed and how healthy the pet is. Every pet is different, and it is best to check with your vet whether your pet is fit to travel before making plans. Learn more about relocating with older dogs and cats

What type of crate should my pet travel to Switzerland in?

Petraveller does not recommend the use of wire crates which are uncomfortable and can be dangerous for pets. Our team will arrange for an IATA airline-approved Petraveller Sky Crate tailored to the size of your pet where your pet can lay down, stand up and turn around comfortably. The Sky Crate has a water container and funnel fixed to the door and is lined with an ultra-absorbent Petraveller Sky Mat.

Petraveller recommends familiarising your pet with their Sky Crate and ensuring they know how to drink from the water funnel before they travel. Learn more about crates and crate training.

Local Pet Requirements

Being a pet parent in Switzerland comes with a few responsibilities; you are responsible for your pet’s physical and emotional well-being. All pet dogs in Zurich must be vaccinated and microchipped. Register your puppy at the nearest vet for a pet passport that contains your dog’s health and identification information within ten days of bringing your dog into Switzerland.

Pet parents in Zurich are required to pay an annual dog tax to the canton. In Zurich, your dog must be on a lead in public places, and you must always pick up after your dog. Green Robidog collection bins all over the city are specially earmarked for dog waste.

Living in Zurich: A Canine Perspective

Dogs in Zurich have it great; the city is exceptionally dog-friendly. Pet dogs are allowed on public transport on trains, buses and boats. Zurich’s most popular dog-friendly park is the Allmend Brunau. A beautiful park with a trail that runs to 4km, Allmend Brunau has something for everyone. There is a bike park for children, cafés for adults and a cool river for water-loving dogs. Parc Bertrand is another favourite dog-friendly garden with a fenced-in dog park where your pup can enjoy running around off-lead and socialise with other doggos.

Zurich has many hikes and trails for dogs that love the great outdoors. If you prefer staying indoors, several shops and malls in Zurich are pet-friendly, and your pet dog can join you on your shopping spree.  

Did you know?

Zurich has a No Show Museum, the world’s first museum dedicated to nothing and its manifestations throughout history. The museum believes that nothing as a category is as distinctive and interesting as beautiful and ugly. The No Show Museum has a collection of more than 500 artworks and documents from critically acclaimed artists of the 20th and 21st centuries.  

About Zurich

Switzerland is well-known for being pet-friendly; you can bring your pet dog on trains and buses, shops and restaurants, and many famous tourist attractions.

Zurich is not just a global finance and banking capital; the city is incredibly picturesque, with beautiful waterfront promenades and lovely medieval architecture. Zurich is also great to live in and explore with your dog. The town is a walker’s delight, and your dog is welcome in most establishments around the city.

  • Official Language
    German, French and Italian
  • Population of people
  • Flights from Australia