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Houston, United States of America

International Pet Transport to Houston

Pet dogs and cats from Australia to Houston typically fly via Emirates Sky Cargo or Qatar Airways, with a comfort stop at either Dubai or Doha, depending on the chosen airline. The total flight duration lasts approximately 16 hours. Your pet needs considerable documentation and veterinary visits before travelling to the United States. Petraveller requires at least 30 days’ advance notice to organise and coordinate your pet’s transport to Houston.

International Pet Travel Requirements for Cats and Dogs

  • Airline-approved pet travel crate
  • Annual vaccination
  • Customs clearance
  • Australian Government accredited veterinary consultation
  • Australian Government export permit
  • Australian Government health certificate
  • Microchip
  • Tapeworm treatment

International Pet Relocation Arrival

After your pet arrives in Houston, they will be transported to the airport’s designated animal lounge, where customs clearance and a veterinary examination will take place. Your pet will be released into your care once customs officials have completed the necessary procedures. The official will inspect your pet for signs of illness or communicable diseases during the veterinary inspection.

Petraveller will help with a collection guide with detailed information such as location, contact details, work hours, etc., to make the collection process simple and hassle-free.  

Frequently asked questions

Does my pet need a rabies vaccination to travel to the United States?

Dogs travelling from Australia and those that have not been in a high-risk country in the past six months are not required to present a rabies vaccination certificate. However, when your pet enters the United States, you must provide a written statement saying your dog has not been in a country that is high risk for rabies within the last six months or since birth if under six months of age.

Though the CDC doesn’t require proof of rabies vaccination to enter the United States, the CDC recommends that all dogs be vaccinated against rabies as a precaution. Most US cities require pets to be vaccinated against rabies.

Does my pet need to be quarantined when travelling to the United States from Australia?

Pets travelling from Australia to the United States of America will not have to spend time in quarantine as long as all veterinary requirements and pet import requirements are met. Petraveller can assist with the vet and health checks and the documentation necessary for your pet to travel to the United States. Read more

Local Pet Requirements

Pet dogs and cats must be vaccinated against rabies and have a current rabies vaccination certificate. Pet dogs must be registered with the local council and wear registration tags on their collars. Pets are not allowed on public transport in Houston unless they are service dogs. Houston has plenty of parks and gardens with designated dog areas for dogs to run around and exercise. Only vaccinated dogs are allowed in the dog parks. 

As a pet parent, you are expected to care for your pet and keep your pet under control at all times. Remember to be mindful of other people and property and ensure your pet doesn’t attack people or other animals.

About Houston

Houston is the most populous city in Texas. It is a major hub for energy, aerospace, education and medicine. The city has many world-class educational institutions and museums. Houston is a city with a unique blend of cultures; the city is both modern and traditional and constantly evolving.

Houston is a pet-friendly city! There is so much to explore in the city with your dog. The Houston Arboretum and Nature Centre has many exciting nature trails perfect for a hike with your dog. Houston has pet-friendly beaches that welcome dogs to join in the fun. Take your dog to Barbours Cut Dog Park and Morgan’s Point Conservation Area to enjoy a day in the sun and sand. 

  • Official Language
  • Population of people
    2.3 million
  • Flights from Australia